Life at Caleb Institute


Life at Caleb revolves around prayer and worship which is the basic foundation of Christian life and ministry. For the spiritual formation of the students we have:

  • Morning Chapel service where the entire student body, faculty and staff come together in worship every day of the week.
  • Every evening we have chapel service for student.
  • Every month we have a Prayer Walk on campus.


At Caleb we love sports. We look forward to this much-anticipated activity at 4:00 pm every day. Both men and women enthusiastically participate in this event.

The Sport Department regularly organizes football and volleyball matches which are a highlight for many students.

Once a year we have Sports Day where the entire student body, faculty and staff come together to compete with each other.

The men's football team competes in a local league and against other Bible colleges.

We have a fully equipped Gym with adequate facilities for men where they can build their muscles and reach higher levels of fitness, endurance and

Fun and Food

Throughout the year, there are many opportunities for the Student Body to socialize together. This includes Barbecue Nights which are organised every Friday to have fun, games and delicious food together. We come together for breakfast / lunch / dinner on Independence Day and Republic Day. All these create a feeling of togetherness, joy, and unity.

To have a strong bonding with each other, we organise an annual picnic. We also have excursions,potluck dinners and surprise parties for faculty and staff. All these activities create an atmosphere of fun, friendship and belonging.

Skit and Drama

We emphasize the holistic development of student which encompasses the development of social, communication and artistic skills. We also think of creative ways to do God's mission by integrating various indegenous art forms in reaching out the people group.

Throughout the year we have various religious and cultural programmes to sharpen the creative and artistic skills of the students:

  • Christmas Drama
  • Freshers’ Night
  • Independence and Republic Day Celebrations
  • Puppetry
  • Street Theatre

Serving the Neighborhood

At weekends, the student body serves in the mission field, witnessing to people. Exercising learned ministry skills is a key ingredient of holistic development.

Serving people is the main emphasis of Caleb without which we will lose the purpose of our existence. To cater the needs of the people around, the Practical Ministry Department organises various events and programmes throughout the year which gives ministerial exposure and engagement to students:

  • Weekend Ministry
  • Free Ration Distribution to the poor and needy
  • Medical Camps and Free Distribution of medicines
  • Awareness programs on various social issues
  • Counselling workshops for parents and youth
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